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Home arrow Products arrow Silk Prints arrow French Ladies Saturday, 27 July 2024


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Product Code: FL12


Product Code: FL02
Large AUD $28.50

Butterfly Days

Product Code: FL08
Large $28.50

Garden Belle

Product Code: FL15
Large $28.50
Tiny $11.50

Golden Lady with Parasol

Product Code: FL11
Large $28.50

Gypsy Girl with Lace

Product Code: FL23
Large $28.50

Lady Holding Daffodils

Product Code: FL03
Large $28.50
Small $14.50
Brooch $7.50

Lady on Staircase

Product Code: FL13
Large $28.50

Lady with Grey Bonnet

Product Code: FL19
Large $28.50
Tiny $11.50

Lady with Lace Neckline

Product Code: FL24
Large $28.50

Lady with Pedestal

Product Code: FL14
Large $28.50

Lady with Pink

Product Code: FL20
Large $28.50

Lady with Pink Organza

Product Code: FL21
Large $28.50

Lady with Robe

Product Code: FL16
Large $28.50
Tiny $11.50

Lady with White

Product Code: FL22
Large $28.50

Lady with White Stole

Product Code: FL06
Large $28.50
Small $14.50
Tiny $11.50

Only a Rose

Product Code: FL10
Large $28.50
Small $14.50
Tiny $11.50

Oval Girl Holding Lily-of-the-Valley

Product Code: FL17
Large $28.50

Oval Lady Bust with Red Flower

Product Code: FL05
Large $28.50
Small $14.50
Tiny $11.50

Oval Lady with Bonnet

Product Code: FL01
Large $28.50
Small $14.50
Brooch $7.50

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